The EMP Museum in Seattle is home to several really cool pop culture exhibits with great original props and costumes. My favorite were probably the items from The Princess Bride - they had Buttercup's wedding dress, the Dread Pirate Roberts and Inigo Montoya's outfits, and the six-fingered glove among other things. Other shots here are scenes in/around the Seattle Center.
Pictures from along the ship canal near Fremont, including interesting boats, signs, and a sleeping duck. The weather has become progressively clearer lately, so you can finally see Mt. Rainier again. It's peeking out in the last photo above.
Some pictures from the Chittenden Locks and Carl S. English Jr. Botanical Garden in Ballard, and then a few from Ballard Avenue. Ballard is the best. More of my photos from Ballard are on Flickr.