We lost Mizmo yesterday to an unexpected, fast-moving cancer. This came as a total shock to us and has left us reeling. Mizmo was 13, and we thought we'd have at least few more years to spend with him.
He was a very special cat that was well-loved by my whole family. We got him when I was 15. I moved out for college at 18, but Mizmo came along with my brother to live with us when he moved in to attend the same college. When my brother moved to California a couple of years later I kept Mizmo with me and I've had him ever since, through the loss of two other cats. Mizmo was so shy and gentle that he was ultimately happiest as an only cat, and he really came out of his shell when it was just us around. I'm very happy I could provide him that kind of environment. He loved our new place in Seattle too, with all of its levels and balconies, and I'm so sorry and saddened he couldn't spend more time here with us. I know it's been a few months since we've moved here, but it still feels like we've only just arrived in some ways. Mizmo was so brave on the flight out here, being very calm and quiet and bouncing back to normal like a champ right away. He got lots of comments on the plane and in the airport. I am very proud of him.
Mizmo had a very short and high-pitched meow that sounded a lot like a "peep," so he earned the nickname Peepu. He slept next to me on a chair I pulled up to the bed each night. He was a very loving and affectionate cat and I can't believe he's gone for good.
I've collected the photos I have on Flickr of Mizmo
into a set, and a few
videos from a couple of years ago as well. I wish I'd taken more video of him and his peeping.
We love you Mizmo. Thank you for being a wonderful cat. We'll always miss you.